@extends('layouts.admin', ['header' => true, 'nav' => true, 'demo' => true]) {{-- Custom CSS --}} @section('custom-css') @endsection @section('content')
{{-- Settings --}}
@include('admin.settings.images') {{-- General Configuration Settings --}}

{{-- Show Website Frontend? --}}
{{ __('Note') }}: {{ __('Turn on or off your website.') }}
{{-- Timezone --}}
{{-- Currency --}}

{{-- Default Plan Term Detting --}}

{{ __('Default Plan Term Settings') }}

{{-- Cookie Consent Settings --}}

{{ __('Cookie Consent Settings') }}

{{-- Image Upload Limit --}}

{{ __('Image Upload Limit') }}

{{-- Share Content Settings --}}

{{ __('Share Content Settings') }}

{{-- Short codes --}}

{{ __('Short codes :') }}

{ business_name } - {{ __('Business Name') }}
{ business_url } - {{ __('Business URL or Address') }}
{ appName } - {{ __('App Name') }}
{{-- Tawk Chat Settings --}}

{{ __('Tawk.to Chatbot Settings') }}

{{ __('https://embed.tawk.to/') }}

{{ __('Tiny Cloud (Text Editor) Configuration Settings') }}

{{-- Tiny Cloud API Key --}}
{{ __('If you did not get a Tiny Cloud API Key, create a') }} {{ __('new API Key.') }}
{{-- Update button --}}
{{-- Website Configuration Settings --}}

{{-- Theme Colors --}}
{{-- Home Banner Image --}}
{{ __('Banner Image') }}
{{ __('Recommended size : 1000 x 667') }}
{{-- Website Logo --}}
{{ __('Website Logo') }}
{{ __('Recommended size : 200 x 90') }}
{{-- Favicon --}}
{{ __('Favicon') }}
{{ __('Recommended size : 200 x 200') }}
{{-- App Name --}}
{{-- Site Name --}}
{{-- SEO Meta Description --}}
{{-- SEO Keywords --}}
{{-- Update button --}}
{{-- Update Payments Settings --}}

{{-- Paypal Settings --}}

{{ __('Paypal Settings') }}

{{-- Mode --}}
{{-- Client Key --}}
{{-- Secret --}}
{{-- Razorpay Settings --}}

{{ __('Razorpay Settings') }}

{{-- Client Key --}}
{{-- Secret --}}
{{-- Stripe Settings --}}

{{ __('Stripe Settings') }}

{{-- Publishable Key --}}
{{-- Secret --}}
{{-- Paystack Settings --}}

{{ __('Paystack Settings') }}

{{-- Publishable Key --}}
{{-- Secret --}}
{{-- Merchant Email --}}
{{-- Mollie Settings --}}

{{ __('Mollie Settings') }}

{{-- Key --}}

{{ __('Offline (Bank Transfer) Settings') }}

{{-- Offline (Bank Transfer) Settings --}}
{{-- Update button --}}
{{-- Update Google Settings --}}

{{-- Google reCAPTCHA Settings --}}

{{ __('Google reCAPTCHA Configuration Settings') }}

{{ __('reCAPTCHA Enable') }}
{{ __('If you did not get a reCAPTCHA (v2 Checkbox), create a') }} {{ __('reCAPTCHA') }}
{{-- reCAPTCHA Site Key --}}
{{-- reCAPTCHA Secret Key --}}
{{-- Google OAuth Settings --}}

{{ __('Google OAuth Configuration Settings') }}

{{-- Google Auth Enable --}}
{{ __('Google Auth Enable') }}
{{-- Google Client ID --}}
{{-- Google Client Secret --}}
{{-- Google Redirect --}}
{{ __('If you did not get a Google OAuth Client ID & Secret Key, follow a') }} {{ __(' steps') }} {{-- Google Analytics ID --}}

{{ __('Google Analytics Configuration Settings') }}

{{ __('https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=') }}
{{ __('If you did not get a Google analytics id, create a') }} {{ __('new analytics id.') }}
{{-- Webtools and Google AdSense --}}

{{ __('Webtools and Google AdSense Configuration Settings') }}

{{ __('https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=') }}
{{ __("Note") }} :
{{ __("Type DISABLE_ADSENSE_ONLY for enable Webtools without AdSense") }}
{{ __("Enter your AdSense code for enable Webtools with AdSense") }}
{{ __("Type DISABLE_BOTH for disable Webtools & AdSense") }}
{{ __('If you did not get a Google AdSense code, create a') }} {{ __('new AdSense code.') }}
{{-- Update button --}}
{{-- Update Email Configuration Settings --}}

{{-- Sender Name --}}
{{-- Sender Email Address --}}
{{-- Mailer Driver --}}
{{-- Mailer Host --}}
{{-- Mailer Port --}}
{{-- Mailer Encryption --}}
{{-- Mailer Username --}}
{{-- Mailer Password --}}
{{-- Test Mail --}} {{-- Update button --}}
{{-- Footer --}} @include('admin.includes.footer')
@endsection @section('scripts') @endsection